Special Hearts!

Brooks came home with two hearts in his hands and a big smile on his face. I couldn’t resist the urge to find out what was making him smile.
“Brooks, where did you get those hearts?”
“Why did Scarlett give you hearts?”
“Because I gave her some.”
“Why did you give her hearts?”
“Because I have a crush on her.”
“Because she’s beautiful.”
“What? That’s the reason?”
Brooks could only mouth yes and then look away. Take a look at the movie... better than the writing!
This story... photo... and movie of Brooks were sent in by Cheri Lingafelt, Oak Ridge, NC.
Valentine’s Day has always been a day to celebrate the heart! We all rejoice in friends... and love! Letting someone know you care about them is a big deal... young or old! I watch, smile, and my heart flutters when I think...

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So charming! 💗