When Brittany was a toddler, we spent long nights reading stories before bedtime. Her favorite stories were fairytales... especially the ones with a prince or princess. I would fall asleep as we read and feel her shaking me.
"Mommy! Mommy! What happened to the prince?"
"Oh," I said, turning the page and brushing the sleep from my eyes. "It's time to go to bed."
"Okay, Mommy, but finish the prince story first."
When Brittany started school, I remember walking her into the office to meet the staff before going to her class.
"How are you today, young lady?" the principal asked.
"Just fine. Thank you." I think I saw my daughter curtsey.
"You're going to love it here." The principal smiled.
Brittany waved as we walked to her classroom.
I was probably the first mom waiting outside for pick-up. When the bell rang, the kids came spilling out to greet their parents.
"Mommy! Mommy! I love my teacher and new school. I made a friend."
We held hands as Brittany skipped to the car and jumped inside. On the way home, Brittany hummed a little song. I was thrilled that her first day of school had gone so well. When we got home, Brittany exited the car, turning to me.
"You know, Mommy, my favorite person runs the school. He's the PRINCE-a-pal."
I had to cover my chuckle because we had just read about Prince Charming the night before.
The very next day and throughout the next few months, Brittany would not go to her classroom until we had visited the office and waved to the PRINCE-a-pal.
One day, we were informed the principal would be leaving for another job and they would have to find a replacement.
"You can't leave!" Brittany wailed.
"We're looking for someone really nice to take my place," Mr. Allen said. "Someone you will like just as much as me."
"That's not possible!" Brittany's face turned into a frown.
Everyday until Mr. Allen left, Brittany would interview the office staff to make sure they were going to find another person that would meet her standards... someone who would smile at her and wave to her each day. That PRINCE-a-pal would have to be special.
Then it happened.
As we arrived at school one spring morning, a lady began waving to Brittany, smiling from ear to ear.
"Hello Brittany. I've been waiting to meet you. My name is Ms. Parsons."
Brittany's mouth gaped open. She turned, jumping up and down.
"Mommy! Mommy! We got a new PRINCESS-a-pal."
This story and photo of Brittany were sent in by Julie Salomon, Palos Verdes, CA.
I love how children can turn a human being into a beloved character in a delightful fairytale. They seize every moment to create magic. I revel in this wonder. I often find myself pondering... THE KID DID WHAT?
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