"Have some cheese, Hazel."
"Nooo!" She grins while chomping away.
"No!" As if that makes the cheese taste better.
I try not to respond because I know this gives my two-year-old toddler more reasons to say no. She loves to see the reactions around her. And when I ask my sweet girl her name... You guessed it. "NOOO!"
"I love you!" I smile.
"NO!" Hazel smirks.
And so it goes. "No! No! No! No! Nooo!"
This might be a stage that I won't miss too much!

Take a look at eight seconds of my day... and then multiply...
This story, photos, and movie of Hazel were sent in by Britney and Luis Jaimes.
Developmental milestones... and the word 'No' is cause for laughter. Watching a toddler in action is like being at a comedy show. Priceless! But of course, patience is involved. It makes me wonder what stage will come next...

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