Christmas is universal... the anticipation of joy and jingle bells... and that special photo with Santa!
Then there's the reality!
No babies were harmed in the making of these photos!!!
Theo, in photo above, is courtesy of Ron and Debbie Blum.

Smitty B., courtesy of Linda and Cy Taylor.

Flynn, courtesy of Cameron Ligon, and Brooks, courtesy of Cheri Lingafelt.

Remi and Flynn, courtesy of Cameron Ligon.

This photo is courtesy of Gina Keller of her husband, Mark, and his sister, back in the day. There are no pictures of Gina's children with Santa. They would not leave her arms to go to the bearded man. Hmmm... maybe in the genes??
Christmas is filled with memories... joyful, sentimental, and humorous. The moments we plan to be perfect rarely turn out that way. They become more precious with time because they are cemented into our hearts and family history. I always delight in remembering...

The blog had its first coffee event. Community was celebrated by sharing friendship and kid talk in front of a cozy fire with coffee, quiche, and a fun door prize. There will be more opportunities in the New Year. Look for the invite and bring your most heart-warming or funny story and digital pictures so you can see them here. I look forward to meeting you!

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Do you have a funny story or cute picture to share? Go to the CONTACT PAGE and leave your information if you would like to see it here or at Palos Verdes Pulse Magazine submit an article page.
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