The season is heating up and hibernation is over! Be on the lookout for bears... 'cause they are on
the loose! If you spot these two wild ones... be careful... they go for your heart!

You never know when love is going to get you. I hadn't planned to get married when my soul mate came along... swept me off my feet... and drug me to the alter. Soon after, I was pregnant with twins.

I knew I had to strap in for a wild ride. These two cubs have been totally different from birth. Both have made me laugh... cry... and have melted my heart. They have been the best "Double Trouble" a mom could ever hope for!

This story and photos of Ariel and Chloe were sent in by Courtney and Jonathan Faircloth.
Cubs... kittens... and human babies... can turn the hardest heart into mush. Every species has its own special language of love. If a baby can't make you smile... then not much in this magical world will 'wow' you. I wait and marvel...

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