did you know some bunnies are chocolate?

“I love Easter! Don't you?" I asked.
"I'm going on an Easter egg hunt," one of my first-grade students blurted to the class.
Other kids joined in...
"My mommy's going to dye eggs with me."
"I love jelly-beans and chocolate bunnies."
I had to laugh. The excitement was contagious.
"Why don't we write letters to the Easter Bunny?" I asked. "You will get writing practice while doing something fun."
Hands waved in the air.
"How do we get our letters to the Easter Bunny?"
"Let's see," I said. "Oh, I know. Have someone in your house mail your letter or help you find a special place to leave it for the Easter Bunny."
The kids got right to work... writing, drawing, and giggling as they created wishes to be fulfilled. All of the letters were special. This one was written by Diego...

This picture of Diego and his letter were sent in by Pamela Colen, 1st Grade Teacher and nominee for Teacher Of The Year at Los Angeles Unified School District Virtual Academy (#2) with permission from Ana Nunez, Diego's mother.
Easter conjures up images of giant bunnies hopping around delivering goodies to children... especially chocolate replicas of him or herself. The season fills children with the expectation of miracles. And the universe complies, delivering their hearts' desires. We have so much to learn from children. If we are open to good, it will come. Enjoy the magic and rebirth of Easter. Go on an egg hunt. It will surely make you smile! Until next time, I'll be smiling and partaking of chocolate bunnies and pondering… THE KID DID WHAT?
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